
Are the data on your clients an asset or a liability - Cubera

Are The Data On Your Clients An Asset Or a Liability?

This question was never really raised when the concept of “big data” first came into the picture. For the first time, businesses could collect customer data on a large scale to analyze and utilize it to improve their product and services under data as a service model. In turn, many businesses took advantage of this opportunity. They did, ...
Data-Driven Intelligence for Full-Funnel Marketing - Cubera

Data-Driven Intelligence for Full-Funnel Marketing

Data has become perhaps the best driving force of modern-day businesses. In fact, it is perhaps the best time to be a part of a data company and witness the paradigm shift as it takes place. Back in 2008, 3 out of 10 companies considered a data-driven approach as the viable option. As of 2021, this number has increased to 7 ...

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